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Giardino Carnivoro

Drosera directed "GC Easy clone"

Drosera directed "GC Easy clone"

Regular price €25,00
Regular price Sale price €25,00
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A beautiful and easy clone of sundew regia, selected by Giardino Carnivoro for its vigor and splendid flowering.

It is not particularly affected by the flowering which occurs from June to July and continues with the production of leaves, slowed down a bit by the heat of this month.

Very vigorous, it produces leaves all year round without stopping in summer, an even more vigorous clone of the famous "BIG EASY"

However, it is a sundew that prefers cool evenings and temperatures below 30 degrees.

In summer the formation of leaves slows down but production resumes in September when temperatures drop again.

To grow it best:

Rainwater or distilled water dosed to a cm or less in the saucer, constant in summer and can be further reduced in winter.

Don't let the water in the saucer overheat in summer, it likes the sun but not too high temperatures around the roots.

In winter it resists temperatures close to zero and it is not recommended to freeze the earthen bread, so find a sheltered place to protect it from frost and do not give too much water, as long as the soil is always moist.

Propagation by root cutting is easy to achieve, in fact they produce few but large roots which, if cut, give rise to new plants in about a month.

Growing Tips

Le drosera regia si coltiva in torba e perlite e con una aggiunta di quarzo o seramis per creare un substrato più drenante, consigliato anche il vaso in terracotta. Ama il sole diretto soprattutto nelle mezze stagioni mentre nelle estati caldi è preferibile ombreggiarla per mantenerla fresca. Resiste al gelo fino a zero gradi. Se muore l'apice per il freddo, le radici restano tuttavia vitali per rigettare nuovamente in primavera. Producono molti fiori ma non sono autofertili, bisogna impollinare tra loro piante diverse da cui potete ricavare dei semi a fine estate.


Ama terreni bagnati ma non troppo fradici, si dosa acqua piovana o distillata direttamente nel sottovaso. Un cm di acqua nel sottovaso in tutte le stagioni va benissimo.
Non serve vaporizzarle le foglie ma creare molta umidità diffusa proteggendola dal vento e pioggia

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