Giardino Carnivoro
Drosera madagascariensis
Drosera madagascariensis
Drosera madagascariensis is an easy-to-grow sundew that grows upright.
It also resists short frosts and is reborn from the roots.
If it becomes too tall it must be helped with a brace in which it must be wrapped.
Growing Tips
Growing Tips
Subtropical sundews are very easy to grow in peat and perlite: they love direct sun especially in mid-seasons while in hot summers it is preferable to shade them.
They resist frost down to zero degrees. If the apex dies due to the cold, the roots remain vital to regrow again in spring.
They produce many self-fertile flowers from which you can obtain seeds in late summer.
They like very wet soil. DO add rainwater or distilled water directly into the saucer. Two-three cm in summer and one cm in all other seasons.
There is no need to vaporize the leaves but to create a lot of diffused humidity while protecting them from wind and rain